Squirt, Blast, Fume and Gujrat

“Varunika Saraf proposes a series of elegantly whimsical portraits that speak to frailty, eccentricity and resilience; as well, she pays homage to Khakhar through a work whose explosion of colour she reads back into the archive of his painting, even as she flattens its picture space in a manner redolent of the miniature tradition, which Khakhar would have appreciated, an, in a low-key manner, clears a space to confront the revanchist politics of the Right.”

Ranjit Hoskote “A Crazy Pair of Eyes: Remembering Bhupen Khakhar”, Touched by Bhupen, Galerie Mirchandani + Steinruecke, 2014

Squirt, Blast, Fume
